Jeremiah Owyang is the founder of Crowd Companies, a council which advises large companies on how to become a part of the Collaborative Economy. In this speech he gave at Share Conference in 2014, he gives several examples of big companies who learned to partner with the crowd and share e.g. transportation, services or space. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgf8w2a5YIk&spfreload=10[/embed] He defines collaborative economy as “an economic model where creation, ownership, and access are shared between people and corporations”. Thus, he offers a different perspective on the collaborative economy - not one in which only peers share, but major corporations also play a big role. Interestingly, he does not allow the corporations he works with to use the term “consumers”, but rather invites them to think of ‘empowered individuals’, ‘hosts’, ‘makers’, or simply ‘the people’, who are the basis of the Collaborative Economy. We are happy to welcome Jeremiah Owyang at OuiShare Fest and to discuss new partnerships between the crowd and corporations during the track "The Peer, The Platform And The Corporation".

We are using the hashtag #OSFest15 to connect your thoughts and comments.

Join us in May, 20-22 at Cabaret Sauvage, Paris!

From now until OuiShare Fest, we will be publishing a weekly video post of our speakers to raise discussions that we look forward to continuing at the Fest.