How to build a community within the Sharing Economy? #iCollDay3Q Report

  The International Collaboration Day or iCollDay organized by OuiShare was celebrated on July 17. Workshops were held in more than 60 cities around the world with a common denominator, coworking spaces as genuine beehives of collaboration, cooperation and co-creation among people. One of OuiShare's goals is trying to deliver value in all the events we hold; building communities, is an issue that affects everyone in the Collaborative Consumption; understanding what users and collaborative consumption platforms are saying in this topic, is essential to trying to build day by day a new model where people become protagonists. In this context, we launched the # iCollDay3Q, 3 questions to the attendees and 3 questions to the experts belonging to collaborative consumption platforms. The aim of those workshops, was to study and make a report showing us the keys for the construction, care and maintenance of a collaborative community within the collaborative economy. Once they have answered the 3 questions, attendees were mingled with experts to discuss and determine all together the main on&off-line tools that help and allow creating communities. A total of 10 coworking spaces in Spain, London and Paris joined our challenge.

We discussed about shared values, common goals, transparency, personalized, attention ... and many other things. This study enphasise the main reasons why users belong, leave, or would like to assume roles within the community, and determines the main tools to build, keep and care a community.  

Please find the full Report in pdf here: iCollDay3Q Report


A summary presentation of the Report:   "Your comments are really welcome and help us to continue and improve every day working on the needs that our community has" And this is the video of the event: